
February 18, 2019

[Toy Review] LIGHTNING - Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia Trading Arts

Here's another Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia Trading Arts figure review! This time it's Lightning from Final Fantasy XIII. Just like the previous Cloud DFFOO figure review, I also included the transparent version in this review.


Trading Arts' packaging is a blind box. You wouldn't know which character you'll get so chances are you might get a duplicate. The front shows the five characters included in the first wave. The back got a lot of texts mostly in Japanese.

Packaging includes: Lightning figure (unassembled), Display stand, Instructions


If you saw Lightning's artwork in the original Dissidia and DFFOO, you'll notice that this figure is doing the same pose.

The tiny figure have brighter colors which is nice and it got very good detail.

Lightning's face in this figure is looks expressionless in my opinion. The hair sculpt looks good? The paintjob on the face is really nice.

Lightning is wearing her Guardian Corps uniform as default. The paintjob is really good for a small figure. There are some parts that lacks some paint and colors.

The red cape.
The back also have nice details and paintjob but the red cape obstructs the view at the back. The long cape looks good and sways to Lightning's right side.

Weapon holster
The back also have the holster for her Blazefire Saber.

Skin tone is nice but no shadings. The left arm have a shoulder armor that's painted metallic gold and lacks some few colors. Same goes for the blue gloves that just painted blue. Lightning also have a back on her left leg and it's painted kinda reddish.

Lightning's weapon, Blazefire Saber looks really detailed but lacks some reds and browns... it's just painted metallic silver. The boots have detail but it's only painted brown.


Yup, the Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia Trading Arts figures have a single articulation.

It's kinda hard to attach the articulated head to the neck because it got a smaller peg hole. Still, the head movement is good.


The details and features normal version and the transparent version of the figure are the same. Except that it's easier to attach the head of the transparent version.

Lighning's transparent Manikin version
As usual the face is the only part that have face prints that have soul-less eyes. I know that the Manikins in the mobile game have the same color, but still I wish SQEX uses a different color for this Lightning Manikin.


The characters in DFFOO mostly have the same height (except for the younger or short characters like Zidane, Palom, Krile and Vivi).

Lightning with her enemy Manakin counterpart.
Now that I put the two versions side-by-side. I think the transparent version have better looking face print than the normal one.

Lightning and Cloud.
Cloud and Lightning have the same height.

Two Lightnings.
Look, even the Blazefire Saber (and other parts) of the Trading Arts Kai mini of Lightning have more paint colors applied than the Trading Arts one.

Three Lightnings!
Here's the Trading Arts Lightning compared with her Play Arts Kai action figure versions The left is the Lightning Returns: FFXIII version and the right is the Dissidia Arcade/NT version.


 I haven't found any quality issues like broken pieces in this figure.


The Lighting DFFOO Trading Arts figure looks good. It got a nice paintjob and detail for a small figure. I will look nice on your study, work or office table especially if you have all five characters. The figure is pretty cheap too that's why it got out of stock quickly and unfortunately I didn't get all of them. But I will try to collect them all especially the normal versions.

Cheers and Happy Collecting!

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