
March 19, 2024

Wandering Around Quiapo, Manila

This is before our wedding. During this time, I'm waiting for my fiancé (now my wife) to have her Sacrament of Confirmation in Quiapo Church and I have nothing else to do so I roamed some of the streets around Quiapo, Manila.

That big church over there is the Quiapo Church. There are so many people hearing mass there because we went there in Friday.

This is the side of the church. So crowded here, so many people. While it's a good thing there are so many police and guards around the area it's still good to be aware from pickpockets if you're going here in Friday.

The streets of Quiapo is crowded and the roads are small because some of the merchants here set up their stalls and sell their stuff the road. We are lucky that we had a parking space at Quinta Market because it's difficult to have a parking space around here.

There are so many to see and buy here. I'm not prepared and didn't bring enough cash so I haven't bought anything here unfortunately.

This is the Excelente shop, famous for their hams and real kikiam (not the streetfood type). Like I said I don't have enough money to spare to buy stuff. If you're going here be sure to be early because this place gets really packed quickly. I have tried their ham and kikiam and they taste really good, especially their sweet and spicy sauce. That's why they're popular here.

My wife is still not done in her Confirmation rites so I roamed some more. You can buy cellphone accessories, eyeglasses, power tools, you name it! Everything you need is here and they're really cheap.

This is the Wellmanson shop. I sometimes tag along when my parents are going here when I was younger. You can find some nice stuff here, like arts and crafts materials, toys, accessories and other useful items. The place also serves as a lounge where you can chill, order some food and eat.

This part of the streets sells sound systems, cameras, musical instruments. It's more on a techy side. I was planning to stay here for a while but I got a call from my wife that her Confirmation is done.

After meeting up with my wife at the church, we ate lunch in a fast food restaurant and we went home. Next time, I'm gonna bring some cash to buy some ham and kikiam.


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