
March 12, 2022

[Toy Review] BLOODSPORT - The Suicide Squad (2021) McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse

He easily became one of my favorite DC characters and he is one of those that critically wounded Superman and he's just a human, but with very sophisticated high-tech weaponry. He's Bloodsport, another obscure character that became popular because of the Suicide Squad 2021 movie. I got the McFarlane toys DC Multiverse action figure in for review.

"I'm an assassin! Why would I share my liabilities?"
~ Bloodsport ~


Box front

The box have huge window that lets you see the figure and its accessories. I got this figure for a cheap price because the seller removed from the packaging the CTB (Collect to Build) parts of the King Shark figure.

Box back

The back shows a large promotional image of Bloodsport, portrayed by Idris Elba. Bloodsport also have the upper torso parts of King Shark CTB figure.

Out and ready to do some killing.

Packaging includes:
- Bloodsport figure
- 2x swords
- Bloodsport trading card
- Display base


Bloodsport profile shot

Here's Bloodsport. His newer, modern design looks really cool. This is a very detailed action figure. It just lacks the shadings and paint washes to show those details.

He does look like a Xenomorph

His helmet looks inspired by the Xenomorph from Aliens. The jaw and teeth have some paint wash applied. What I don't like on the headsculpt is the exposed mould lines on the side.

Bloodsport's weapon-packed suit

Bloodsport's suit have a vest. Not only it's bulletproof but it contains some of his weapons. His weapons form like nano-tech the movie. In the comics, his weapons are teleported to him. Anyway His suit is really detailed, it got mesh texture in some parts other cool details like straps, grooves and linings. The orange parts are supposed to be dirty bronze-like, I guess I have to repaint those parts in the future.

Back of the suit/vest

The back of the vest is also really detailed but it lack color. I have to paint those too.

Right arm: Probably contains parts for the left forearm weapons.

Both arms are asymmetrical on the forearm area. The right forearm have simpler details.

Left arm. Can be a flame thrower or a compact bow.

The left forearm have more detailed look. Again these orange parts are supposed to be bronze-like.

The crotch piece and the belt.

The crotch piece looks like a diaper, it looks big and it needs to be a little bit smaller. The belt parts have silver paint and the buckle is orange.

Backside of the belt

The back side of the belt have a cylindrical part used for enhancing his weapon's firepower.

Pants: right side

The pants, like both arms, are asymmetrical in design. The right part have a circular shape. This is where his main weapon is located.

Pants: left side

The left have simpler look probably more weapon enhancement parts.

Back of the pants

The back of the pants shows a lot of texture.

The boots

The boots look nice and also detailed. I need to watch the movie if the boots have other colors on it. I doubt that these boots are just black in color.

Bottom of the boots

The bottom of the boots are treaded, but just on the sides. Both boot have peg holes for the display base.


This Bloodsport figure only have two actual accessories, just a couple of swords. For a character that have a lot of weapons with differing variety and upgradability at his disposal, this is very disappointing. They should have given him at least some firearms, he even got left and right trigger finger hands. This figure begs to hold a firearm. Yes, I know WB have a strict policy for their action figures: "Guns and other firearms are prohibited", and that is a stupid policy.

Dual swords

These are the weapons that came from the packaging. Two identical swords. These two have thin blades but they're soft so that they wont snap into pieces. They look nice but because of the soft blades, they're warped. They got gold grips.

Trading card and display base

Included in the packaging are Bloodsport's trading card that's the same as the one seen at the back of the box, but smaller, and a round basic display base.


Looking at the threat ahead.

Time to try the articulations of this Bloodsport action figure.

Looking up at a giant monster.

The head moves really well. It can fully rotate, look up and tilt side to side pretty well. The downside is that it have little movement looking down.

Checking out his forearm weapons

Both arms have a good shoulder joint that can shift around, fully rotate. The vest is made of soft plastic but both arms are having a bad time crossing the chest.

Dual sword pose/flexing

Both arms have bicep swivel. The elbows are double jointed and have a very good bend. The hands are on a ball-hinge. They move well, but a little limited because of the bulky forearms.

Ready stance

This figure have chest articulation, the soft vest hides it. While it looks good and make the figure look seamless in the torso, it really limits the torso articulation. The figure can bend backwards a little and can do an ab crunch but it will just spring back to normal pose.

Get ready to get sliced.

No waist articulation, the chest does all the torso articulation. I forgot to mention that the chest can turn side to side and tilt left and right.

Dual sword weilding

The legs have good range of motion. They can't do the splits but can do a very nice high kicks. Both legs can go forward 90 degrees, and can only move back a little. 

En garde!

Both knees are double-hinged and they bend very well and doesn't look bad.

Aerial double slash attack.

Both feet have clicky ratcheted ball-hinges. They have limited movement. It's difficult to hold the feet pointing down, they spring back to the neutral pose. It can only point up in one click. Both feet can turn side to side and they have ankle pivot.

Mission prep chill pose.

Both feet have toe hinges, they work well as seen on a couple of poses I did for this figure.


Time to compare this Bloodsport figure on another member of the Suicide Squad.

Bloodsport and Polka Dot Man

Bloodsport is taller than Polka Dot Man.


The figure is well intact and the articulation moves well. No stuck joints, broken or missing parts found in this figure.


I like this DC Multiverse Bloodsport action figure form McFarlane Toys. I like it because of it's cool character design and Bloodsport have a very good character development in the movie. Most articulations of this figure are pretty good, except for the torso and foot articulation. What I don't like is the lack of accessories, especially firearms. I think this figure is easy to repaint and shade to add to make its details pop. This figure is pretty cheap especially if you buy it online minus the CTB King Shark parts. I recommend this figure if you like the movie and its characters.

Cheers and Happy Collecting!

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