
March 14, 2020

Corona Virus, Covid-19 Sucks!

Hey, It's been a while! As you can see, a coronavirus called Covid-19 (nCov, Wuhan Virus) is running rampant all over the world and infecting a lot of people. It is recently declared as a pandemic by the WHO. Well it's already a pandemic more than a month ago, so yeah, it sucks.

What is Covid-19 (according to my observations in the news and medical reports)? Covid-19 (Corona Virus Disease 2019) also known as nCov, or the second version of SARS, is a virus from China that targets your lungs and will also target some of your organs as a chain reaction depending on your health. It has an incubation time of 14 to 24 days. During this incubation period, you don't show any symptoms and you can already infect other people without knowing it. I sometimes call this a stealth virus. After the incubation period, you will show symptoms like cold, cough and fever that leads to severe pneumonia that's very difficult to treat/cure. In short, this is a slow but deadly virus and there are still no vaccines at the time of this post.

The virus spreads through the infected's droplets or bodily excretions like sweat and saliva. So avoid body/facial contact and stay away from the place with lots of people as much as possible. It also can survive on a surface for a long time. For how long? I'm not sure... but let's say that this virus can stay on any surface for 30 days. So before and after sitting, holding or touching things outside, avoid touching your face and wash your hands thoroughly and use some hand sanitizer and alcohol. Also wear a face mask like n95 mask or, for extreme measures, a gas/biohazard mask that covers your head.

Depending on how your country's government handles the virus, first they limit our movements and activities outside and recommend that we stay indoors to avoid contracting the virus. They will also declare a citywide or nationwide lockdown to prevent the virus from spreading. Don't depend too much on the government they have so many people and money but they're slow to act. Survive on your own and save your family and loved ones by being proactive and pre-emptively buy supplies like food, water, medicines and survival kits. Watch the news from the mainstream, experts, doctors or individuals that's also sharing some information. Be open and absorb the very important and needed information and details. Self-quarantine if you're sick and go to the hospital ASAP if your condition worsens.

Why this virus sucks for all of us, toy collectors and photographers? Well if covid-19 hits your country, all public events and gatherings are cancelled. This means no anime, comic, video game and toy conventions. Sports events, concerts, parties and religious gatherings are also cancelled.

For me this means that I can't go out to see my loved ones that lives far away or out of town. I also can't go to the mall to buy toys and I can't go to any vacation spots and beautiful sceneries to take photos. All I can do right now is draw but I have an artist block right now.

On the bright side I can now continue reviewing my backlog of toys (I currently have 4 toys to review here). Also my other option to buy toys is to order online which feels like a chore to me but I already ordered two cheap model kits online.

To finish this post, don't worry, toy reviews are still coming but will be drastically few because of the coronavirus. Random posts will be also fewer. Stay safe, clean, healthy and pray that this virus doesn't claim more lives. I hope this virus from china dies ASAP so that we can carry on with our lives.


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