
June 27, 2016

[Blog Update] Too Much Work In June!!!

Man, this is a very long month of June for me. Lot's of projects to do and to be honest I'm very exhausted right now, and I sill got some work to do, but I got a few updates to share in my spare time.

June 23, 2016

Marvel Variant Play Arts Kai Limited Colors

New limited color versions of three Marvel Variant Play Arts Kai figures surfaced and now available for pre-order and they're: Iron Man, Spiderman and Venom. These three PAK figs came undetected by me.

June 07, 2016

Final Fantasy XII Play Arts Kai Balthier and Gabranth Announced

It turns out that my speculation on my toy review of Fran PAK action figure came to reality. Final Fantasy XII is having an HD treatment called Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age! If you want to know more about FFXII HD then visit my HCF blog post. Along with the game's announcement, two new Play Arts Kai figures from that game also been announced and that's Balthier and Gabranth.
