
November 25, 2012

Don't Be A Gaming Addict

I've just read from the news that a 24-year-old man from Thailand was found dead in front of his computer. He died in the middle of an all-night gaming marathon. Any kind of addiction is bad and gives different effects on our lives.

I've been playing video games since I was 5, and I'm aware of this stuff., so I'll give you guys some gaming tips (not game walkthroughs lol!)

Get some sleep
You should sleep for 8 hours. Lack of sleep results in low blood pressure. Numb hands is one of the signs that you're having a low blood pressure.

Eat well
Eat when you're hungry. While you're at it, eat healthy foods.

Exercise your body
No exercise will result to either you having a weak body and muscle loss or you becoming a fat lard, stretch those limbs, get sweaty and get some sunshine!

Follow those health warnings that the console/game provides on their covers and manual.
Don't take those advice for granted. Great games like Metal Gear Solid 4 provides you some health warnings even on the game installation screen.

Play on a limited amount of time
You should play for at least an hour up to 5 hours. In between those hours, you should rest your eyes and hands for about 10 to 15 minutes.

Don't get too close to the TV/monitor while playing video games
This is a very old advice, but still we should follow it. And play on a well lit room because TVs/Monitors emit a light called "blue light" that triggers our brain to stay awake... kinda like our brain is telling us that it's morning and no time to sleep... and this may cause seizures,

Don't get addicted to games.
Don't just focus on playing video games. Socialize, get another hobby or just do something different.

Well there you have it. If you have any additional advice, just comment.


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