
July 10, 2024

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Play Arts Kai Elena Action Figure Official Photos and Price

Finally, a new face for the new Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Play Arts Kai line-up. This is the first time that the Turk, Elena to be made as an action figure. So her Play Arts Kai action figure is her debut action figure.

This Elena PAK action figure looks great. Now I want to get Reno, Rude and Rufus ASAP!

Her face looks good, but it kinda looks off in some angles. Probably because of the hairsculpt?

She got a slim body, so I think she's going to be highly poseable. But her upper torso articulation is hidden. I bet that if there's an articulation point there, it wont be as poseable than the upper torso with visible articulation point.

Elena have nice variety of accessories. She got her gun and a popsicle for her equipment. For interchangeables, she got a smirking faceplate and a total of eight extra hands, that includes a pair that holds grenades.

The Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Play Arts Kai action figure of Elena costs around $117.00 to $180.00 (approx. Php. 7,000.00 to Php. 10,500.00). Prices depends on the store. It's kinda expensive but the accessory variety is really good. Yep, gotta add her to my collection and it's time to hunt for Reno, Rude and Rufus... I hope Tseng is next... Oh yeah, where's Vincent and Cait Sith?

Cheers and Happy Collecting!

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