
March 27, 2018

Upcoming Reviews!

Time for a short update! I mentioned in my Aranea Highwind PAK review that I have some toys pending for review. So I'm going to give some easy hints so that you can guess what are those toys.

March 26, 2018

[Toy Review] LIGHTNING - Dissidia Final Fantasy (Arcade/NT) Play Arts Kai

In Randomly Random blog, lightning strikes more than 3 times in the same place. Dissidia Final Fantasy's FFXIII representative, Lightning gets a Play Arts Kai action figure treatment and it's a huge upgrade over the classic Lightning PAK when it comes to appearance. So how this new version fare with its older figure counterparts and some PAK figures? This is my first Dissidia PAK figure.

March 21, 2018

We Tried Some Food at the Original Digman

We had a big family trip last month at Tagaytay, Philippines. Before going home we stopped by the Original Digman to get some snack. This food joint is located Bacoor, Cavite. And there are two Original Digmans in the same area so I don't know which the real one but I bet the food they both serve tastes the same.

March 04, 2018

[Toy Review] ARANEA HIGHWIND - Final Fantasy XV Play Arts Kai

Nice of her to drop by. Here's the Play Arts Kai action figure of Final Fantasy XV's female mercenary Dragoon, Aranea Highwind. I don't know much about her because I haven't played the game that long but she is my favorite female character when it comes to her design, looks and very adult-like and playful vibe.
