
September 29, 2019

[Toy Review] D.VA WITH MECH - Xinhao (Unofficial Figure)

I ordered this online for cheap and it's an unofficial Overwach D.Va with mech figure. This is made by a Chinese company called Xinhao and they beat Good Smile Company as the first company to make D.Va's mech in 1/12 scale. I think this toy set was released in 2017, I'm not sure though. So on to the review!


Front and back of the box.

The box is windowed-type and uses a thin/weak cardboard. The box have a lot of promotional artworks and in-game renders of D.Va and her mech (mostly copy and pasted). You can already see what's inside the box in front. The back have texts about D.Va, I think they got this from the Overwatch wiki page. Overall the box looks good but have an amateurish design, I mean there are no product shots of the figures here.

Suited up and ready to go!
Packaging includes:
- D.Va static figure
- Light Gun
- Display base
- Mech (articulated) figure



Let's start with the D.Va static figure which I will definitely put back in the box once I finish the review.

D.Va's front and back.
The figure looks good and kinda sexier and curvier than the actual D.Va in-game.

D.Va close up.
The face is more anime-ish and doesn't really look like D.Va but it's still good. It got that paint chip on the nose revealing that this is a grey figure that's painted.

Missing headphones!
The headphones of this figure that I got are missing. You can see the hole where the headphones pegs in. Good thing that the figure still looks good even without the headphone. The figure also got a nicely sculpted hair.

The Light Gun on hand.
The Light Gun comes separate and can easily attach on the hand. But the hand loosely holds the gun.

D.Va's behind
Yeah this figure is really curvy, alright. The details on the figure is great and have a really decent paintjob for a bootleg figure.

Right leg
The legs looks great and have nice printed readable logos on the right leg but some of them are scratched.

Left leg
The left leg have a large MEKA logo and it's also nicely printed.

Feet can't connect!
The feet also looks good but the holes at the bottom doesn't fit on the display base. It sucks, really. This convinces me to put back this static figure in the box.


This is the reason why I ordered this online, the Mech! The mech is top heavy and it felt like it will break if it falls down. In short, this bootleg mech have a bad build quality.

Front and back of the mech.
Honestly for a bootleg figure, this mech looks really good, so nice effort from the Chinese company that made it.

Left and right side of the mech.
Even though it's top heavy, the lightweight legs can easily hold its weight even though it got really weak leg joints which I will discuss later.

The mech's windshield/hud screen
The green glass of the cockpit glows in the dark, it's a pretty nice effect but it obscures the view of the cockpit.

The cockpit
The glass is removable and the cockpit is kinda detailed but there are no moving parts here so putting a pilot in there is impossible unless you mod it.

Twin flight sticks
The dual flight sticks came separated in the box. You can easily peg them in.

Topside of the mech
The top part is nicely detailed but there are some missing details like the design on the silver circular part that should form a bunny face. The D.Va decal looks good but it's dark colored.

Right wing
The right wing looks good and have a nice APMTV.kr logo.

Left wing
The left wing that have a MEKA logo have a warped wingblade. BTW the wing blades are soft.

Mech antennas
The antennas looks good but the right antenna is not properly attached on the mech. I tried to pry and remove it but I got scared that I might snap the part in to two pieces.

The booster looks nice and painted pretty well. The back hatch doesn't open and lacks a small detail and that's the pentagon shaped part.

Fusion Cannons
The mech's Fusion Cannons looks really cool and super detailed but it lacks some colors in the small areas of the cannons.

Robot legs
The legs looks good and have a combination of hard and soft plastic. It's highly detailed and painted pretty well too except for the left leg that have lots of scratches.


The only accessory here is the Light Gun for the static D.Va figure and it's really detailed too. BTW it's slightly bigger than Figma D.Va's Light Gun.


The only figure that have articulations is the mech and it's really limited which sucks. I intentionally broke this thing and fixed it again with the complimentary superglue found in the shipping box along with the figure's box.

Looking to the side.
The top (cockpit) can go side to side and can look down and back using the leg joints. Originally, the mech is hunched down/looking down and can't look straight forward and it got a really high chance of tumbling down forward thanks to the glued legs that restricts the cockpit movement and the weight of the cockpit itself.

Back inner boosters moves.
The two inner boosters can move. which is really nice.

Fusion Cannon pointing down.
The Fusion Cannons can move up and down but both arms of the mech can't move. I guess I can break these parts and mod it. The barrels doesn't rotate too.

I think these are stuck.
The twin sticks have the impression that they can move but they're both permanently tilted forward. I can force it to move but I'm having second thoughts.

These are the main problem of my mech figure.
These are the parts that I intentionally broke and fixed, the leg ball hinges. The parts of the two-part ball hinges barely holds each other so I, a not experienced modder, broke them in half and forcefully removed these permanently glued ball joints in the peg holes on the legs. I glued the ball hinges in a fixed straight angle and put it back in. There you go, fixed!

I removed both the legs' ability to swivel/twist side to side but the trade-off is that they can now move forward and back making it possible for the mech's cockpit to look straight forward, look high up and look down which is better in my opinion.


D.Va with her mech.
The scale of the Mech is 90% accurate to the D.Va Figma figure. And if you mod the cockpit, I think she can fit in very well.

Chill pose #1
The D.Va static figure is a tiny bit taller than the Figma version.

Chill pose #2
This is great, I can totally discard the static figure and give the mech to the Figma D.Va, well that's my intention anyway until Good Smile Company makes the authentic mech.

Yup, this beats the price of the $450 D.Va statue from Blizzard.
As you can see the D.Va Figma figure looks great with her mech.


Being a bootleg toy, the mech have a lot of quality issues - like the poorly attached antenna, very weak leg ball joints and questionable factory gluing of parts that results to a poorly articulated mech. The mech also have poor paintjob in some parts but can pass as battle damages. The D.Va figure doesn't have headphones and cannot attach on her display base.

The mech also highly moddable for a highly breakable toy. If you mod toys, you can mod this to put some LED lights and fix the cockpit so that any 1/12 scale slim action figure can fit in. I think it's also possible to add new articulation points/moving parts in this bootleg mech.


This is a bootleg toy and the mech have a bad build quality and other questionable toy building decisions. So I'm kinda disappointed that the mech is not highly poseable but the positives are that the Figma D.Va now have her mech that she can pose on and it's pretty cheap so I'm not that afraid to break and fix some of its parts. The D.Va static figure looks good too but I can't attach her on her display base so I stashed her back in the box. The mech is a placeholder for my Figma D.Va until Good Smile Company makes one. I don't recommend this toy unless you really want the mech and you're ready to break and rebuild or mod this thing.

D.Va waving on top of the mech.
This concludes Randomly Random Blog Page's Overwatch Month! Time to rest up (I'm also sick while making this review) and prepare for a new themed month which I will announce whenever LOL!

Cheers and Happy Collecting!

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