
January 05, 2022

I Tested Positive for Coof!

Hey guys! What a way to start the year! I got the coof (Covid-19)!

Well my RT-PCR test says I'm positive with Covid-19 (probably that Omicron variant) but I don't buy this result. Why? Because it's just a flu, sure Covid have the same symptoms but flu is still a corona virus that's why my RT-PCR test revealed a positive result. And right now it's flu season.

Because of the mix of real and fake news spreading everywhere like Covid that sometimes the information that I'm getting gets really confusing, so I still like to stay on the middle and do some precautionary measures and treat a normal flu the same way as Covid and isolated myself in home quarantine while wearing facemask everyday.

It's only 3 of us here in our home and unfortunately, because of me, all of us have flu symptoms. To cure ourselves, we have home remedies: we drink ginger lemon tea with honey, we eat fruits, eat hot soup, drink a lot of water and get enough rest. We also eat some nice menthol candy to fight the cough. We take Paracetamol and Butamirate Citrate for fever and cough respectively. We also take multivitamins with Zinc and Vit D3 for building resistance to the sickness.

I started to have a sore throat in December 31, 2021. The next day I had a fever, headache and body pains that I endured for 3 days. Now I feel much better, the only thing that bothering me is my cough and that's also now fading away.

I'm not allowed to go outside my room/work area for 14 days (I'm not sure though). So I got the time to post something. But I still have to get more rest and not do any exhausting stuff. I have to thank my girlfriend and mother for taking care of me while I'm sick. While I can't come near them at the moment I always remind them to take some home remedies and meds and monitor their health.

It sucks that you have to take a common cold or flu very, very seriously now and it's disrupting the health system.

See you on my next post!


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