
February 10, 2014

[Art Related] Some Shirt Designs

Hi! I don't have any toy reviews for now. For the mean time, here's a few shirt designs that I made to fill the dreaded blog void. Want these on your shirt? Just view my SERVICES page and contact me. Thanks!

First off, here's a BMO Adventure Time shirt. I know it's not original but I want to make one :D

BMO Video Games (Adventure Time)

February 01, 2014

[Toy Review] Lightning LR:FFXIII Play Arts Kai

I got another Lightning PAK figure! Finally, I got my first PAK figure to review this year. This time she's got a new (and even sexier) default attire to wear for her latest and last entry of the FFXIII series, called Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII... can we just call it FFXIII-3? The figure came out first before the English version of the game. It was released the same month as the game's Japanese version last year. I had a hard time finding her, again... Lightning figures sure likes to play hard-to-get, unless you pre-ordered her. Now that I got her, let's review her shall we?

WARNING: This review have very few minor spoilers on the game's story.
